C-3PO Crashes a Pentecostal Revival

It’s great that C-3PO knows over six million languages. It’s less great when he buzzkills your Pentecostal revival by saying all the languages you’re speaking are fake.

A Christian and a Feminist Almost Agree on Stuff

Modern feminists and Christians are united in identifying many of society’s biggest problems. Less united in solving them.

Donall and Conall Convince the Mormon Missionaries They’re Going to Hell in 40.305 Seconds

“Do your best and God will do the rest” isn’t a Gospel promise. It’s a guarantee of eternal condemnation. Let our Irish friends explain why in record time.

Politicians Run for Congregational President

Tim Humblebrag, Baxter Lugnut, and Danny Pufferchest all disagree on how to fix their congregation’s problems. They all agree, however, that the Gospel is definitely not the solution.

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?

This Commentary on “Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God” is 103.9 Times Longer Than the Actual Video All religions lead to the same God. Now, before you break into my house, tar and feather me, and leave me on the doorstep of the nearest Unitarian Universalist church, let me clarify. What I mean…

Martin Luther Yells About Inferior Anglican Christmas Hymns

Instead of focusing on theology, the British love meditating on snow, silence, and livestock in their Christmas hymns. Martin Luther finds this annoying.

Create In Me (A “Thank You” Video)

For all the Lutheran Satire viewers who donated to help restore River of Life Lutheran Church’s sanctuary floors, thank you. And for all those wondering why this video features a microphone with nobody behind it, that’s because nobody would agree to sing if they had to appear on camera.

Frank the Hippie Pope and Bart the Patriarch Sing Love Songs

Frank and Bart are having a hard time getting past the main thing that stops them from being united. But Frank doesn’t think that’ll be a problem. Frank the Hippie Pope and Bart the Patriarch Sing Love Songs

I’m a Christian But I’m Totally Not… (BuzzFeed Parody)

The best way to defeat stereotypes about Christians is to make yourself guilty of those stereotypes by reinforcing those stereotypes.

Mr. Thompson and the Vicar Invent Children’s Church

Fussy little children in the sanctuary are causing quite the consternation at the local parish. Fortunately, Mr. Thompson and the Vicar have an ingenious solution to the problem.

Donall and Conall Meet Richard Dawkins

There’s no evidence of God’s existence if you don’t count all the evidence of God’s existence. Donall and Conall are having a hard time understanding this, so Richard Dawkins has stopped by to enlighten them.

The Media’s Rules for Religious Self-Identification

Liberals get to self-identify as Christians because it reinforces the narrative that morally conservative Christianity is bad. Nutjob rightwing murderers get to self-identify as Christians because it reinforces the narrative that morally conservative Christianity is bad. Murderous Muslims don’t get to self-identify as Muslims because ALL RELIGIONS ARE BASICALLY THE SAME (except morally conservative Christianity,…

Little Differences – Christmas Hymns

After December 25, our Christmas boisterousness is a bit less boisty.

Horus Reads the Internet

Horus is ready to discredit the Christian faith again, this time armed with some devastating information courtesy of your 19 year old atheist cousin’s blog.

Donall and Conall Do Some Fundraising

UPDATE: THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR DONATIONS! BECAUSE OF YOUR HELP, THE FLOORS ARE DONE AND THE CARPET IS DEAD! Donations have been turned off on the GoFundMe page. Donall and Conall want you to help renovate River of Life’s new (to us) sanctuary. $15 gets you a ringtone of the boys yelling at you,…

Donall and Conall Meet C.F.W. Walther

Donall and Conall are less than impressed with the first president of the LCMS’ music-writing abilities.

How to Be a Better Preacher than 99% of Pastors (The “How To” Show: Ep. 11)

Have you ever wanted to know how to not stink at rightly dividing the word of truth but couldn’t figure it out? The “How To” Show is here to help.

Gilbert and Sullivan Mass

Mr. Thompson and the local vicar are upset that none of the youngsters think church is cool. But don’t worry. They’ve got a solution.

Horus Ruins Christmas

Hey, did you know that the life of Jesus was stolen from the Egyptian God Horus? Oh, you know stuff about Horus? Well, I mean it was stolen from Mithras. Oh, you know stuff about Mithras too? Well, whatever pagan god you’ve never heard of is the one that the life of Jesus is stolen…

A Thrivent Christmas Comparison

What does Thrivent Financial’s attempt to remain “neutral” on the issue of abortion yield?

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